Written goals have a way of transforming
wishes into wants; can'ts into cans; dreams
into plans; and plans into reality.
- Anonymous -
During my years of reading personal development books and attending seminars, I have found that all the experts on success stress the importance of writing goals. Among them is Brian Tracy.
Today, Tracy is an internationally recognized business consultant, seminar leader, and achievement speaker. However, he dropped out of high school at 18 and, for several years, had menial jobs at factories, farms, and steamships. At 23, he got a commission-only sales position where he not only led his team in sales but also became the vice president of sales in charge of 95 people within two years.
Tracy attributes his success to his decision to write an ambitious goal to earn $1,000 a month at his job. When he actually accomplished that feat, he began to value goal setting, which led him to spend more than 40 years studying, researching, and practicing the concept. As a leading authority on success, Tracy has spoken to more than four million people through over 4,000 presentations, worked with 1,000 plus companies, and written 45 books.
With his vast knowledge and experience, Tracy says if he had only five minutes to tell someone just one thing to do to be more successful it would be, “Write down your goals; make plans to achieve them, and work on your plans every single day.” So, there you have words of wisdom from an world renown achievement expert. I suggest you act on Tracy's advice to insure your success for 2013 and beyond.
If you are not sure now to write your goals, read my article on Set Exciting Goals to Create an Exciting Life.