"Decide to release others from the many ways they
have failed you, disappointed you, or misunderstood
you. Make a vow to live in the now."
- Dr. Torri Griffin, Relationship Expert & Counselor -
have failed you, disappointed you, or misunderstood
you. Make a vow to live in the now."
- Dr. Torri Griffin, Relationship Expert & Counselor -
Tomorrow, Saturday, March 9th, is Get Over It Day. Yes, there is such a holiday. It is the brainchild of Jeff Goldbatt, an Atlanta entrepreneur, who created it in 2005, after finding himself taking a long time to get over an ex-girlfriend. The day became legitimized the following year, when ABC's Good Morning America and ESPN's SportsCenter, announced it on their shows and did segments about the topic.

I believe the slogan at the Get Over It Day website is true for all of us: "Everyone has something to get over". It could be unfair work situations, past relationships, embarrassing moments, feeling disrespected, being treated unjustly, or other hard-to-forget occurrences. Goldbatt suggests if you are not sure what you need to get over, "just ask your friends what they're tired of hearing you complain about."

In life, there will be disappointments, mistakes, and hurts (intentional and unintentional). They can come from loved ones, friends, co-workers, managers, strangers or even our own misguided behavior. Constantly thinking about them does little to help us achieve our goals and dreams.

As, Love Coach and Family Therapist, Dr. Torri Griffin says in her quote above, now is the time to "Decide to release others from the many ways they have failed you, disappointed you, or misunderstood you. Make a vow to live in the now." Dr. Griffin believes that replaying sad and hurtful scenarios over and over in your mind keeps you feeling those same old negative emotions even though the situation is long gone. Focusing on the present and what is positive in your life now, not only helps you feel better, it also keeps you open to new exciting opportunities
To celebrate Get Over It Day, I suggest you make a list of the people and experiences you need to stop thinking and talking about. Then release them, so you can stop living in the past and begin to live fully in the present.
For more ways to "get over it", click here to read an excerpt on the topic from my book, Just Get Serious About Success.
For more ways to "get over it", click here to read an excerpt on the topic from my book, Just Get Serious About Success.